We provide residential and day services across the region, while our campus (St Mary’s Drumcar) has been identified (by Government) as an accelerated site for decongregation.
This means that we are required to transition all services off the campus and into the community, within an agreed timeframe.
Given the appropriate funding to purchase/build suitable houses in the community, we believe that the campus could be closed within 3 – 5 years.
Our residential services provide a range of accommodation, social, health and spiritual supports in response to individual resident needs.
For example; many of our residents present with complex needs, resulting from a combination of intellectual and/or physical disabilities, mental health and/or behavioural issues, the effects of ageing and medical conditions.
All of our residential and day service staff are trained in promoting independence and community inclusion for all the people we support.
They are supported by a multidisciplinary team which includes General Medical Practice, Psychiatry, Social Work, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, and a local chaplaincy team.
Additional allied health and complementary therapies are arranged as may be required, some are covered by the North East Service, others are available on a private fee for service basis.
Our Transforming Lives Team, which works closely with HSE Estates to identify suitable housing and modifications to meet the specific needs of our campus residents, is funded by Genio and the HSE to facilitate the transition of individuals off campus and ensure that our staff are well trained to support them as they settle into their new lives.